GIFConverter QuickStart ======================= GIFConverter Copyright ©1988-1993 Kevin A. Mitchell All Rights reserved. This program was written with MacApp¨: ©1983-1992 Apple Computer, Inc. This document contains information on using GIFConverter. For full information, see the complete documentation available online, or that you will receive on registration. See warranty, license, and distribution information at the end of this document. What is GIFConverter? --------------------- GIFConverter can open and read several graphic file formats, including GIF, TIFF, RIFF, PICT, JPEG (JFIF), MacPaint and Thunderscan. It can write these formats, as well as black-and-white EPS. It also prints on almost any Macintosh printer. You can use GIFConverter to convert files you find online for use in other programs, to view files, or to print them out. Getting Started Quick --------------------- Double click the GIFConverter icon, then open the file you want by choosing the File->Open command. To convert to a different format, choose File->Save As..., and select the format you want in the popup menu. File Types At A Glance ---------------------- GIF: CompuServe's Graphics Interchange Format. Designed for transferring graphic images between files. Up to 256 colors. PICT: Macintosh Picture Format. May include objects with up to millions of colors. GIFConverter converts all PICT files it reads to bitmapped images. PICT files can also be compressed if QuickTime is installed. TIFF: Tag Image File Format. Mostly portable across platforms, but has too many options. GIFConverter supports the 5.0 spec, except for Fax compression. Up to millions of colors. JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group. Highly compressed portable photographic file format. Good for photos, bad for line art. Lossy; images lose some quality, hopefully quality that is barely visible anyway. Up to millions of colors. JFIF: JPEG File Interchange Format. The simplest way of storing JPEG images in a file. RIFF: Raster Image File Format. Paint: MacPaint. 576 x 720 pixels, black and white. Scan Image: Thunderscan format. Up to 32 greys. RLE: GIFConverter understands CompuServe RLE, an old graphics format. One bit, very small image sizes. EPS: Encapsulated PostScript. GIFConverter can write this format. Warranty and License -------------------- APPLE COMPUTER, INC. MAKES NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THIS PRODUCT, INCLUDING WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO ITS MERCHANTABILITY OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The MacApp software is proprietary to Apple Computer, Inc. and is licensed to Kevin A. Mitchell for distribution only with the GIFConverter program. ----------- This file contains information about GIFConverter 2.3.5. Please report bugs or suggestions to Kevin Mitchell at the address below, on Compuserve Mail at 74017,2573, America Online at KevinM17, GEnie mail at K.MITCHELL, or through Internet at Support is also available online in the Graphics Support Forum of CompuServe, and through the Macintosh Graphics and CAD forum on America Online. GIFConverter may be used for 15 days without charge. After 15 days, you must order GIFConverter or destroy your copy. To order, print the order from found in the program, and send with $40 plus shipping and handling ($5 US, Canada and Mexico, $10 international) to: Kevin A. Mitchell P.O. Box 803066 Chicago, IL 60680-3066 DUE TO NEW SALES TAX LAW, ILLINOIS RESIDENTS MUST INCLUDE 8% TAX. This offer is limited, and may be withdrawn at any time. You will receive a package containing: o The latest version 2 release. o Printed documentation. o A software key that will remove the shareware notice seen when starting GIFConverter. ***************************************************************************************** REGISTER ONLINE! ***************************************************************************************** Now you can register online on CompuServe. Just GO SWREG. GIFConverter's registration ID number is 90. Read the online files there for more information. Official releases and upgrades may be downloaded from Compuserve at the Graphics Support Forum (GO GRAPHSUPPORT), library 3, the Macintosh RoundTable on GEnie, or from America Online in the Direct Connect folder of the Macintosh Graphics and CAD forum (keyword: mgr). GIFConverter updates are also available through some user groups, disk services, and Internet FTP sites. Distribution ------------ GIFConverter is a ÒsharewareÓ program. Shareware offers the opportunity to try out a fully-functional copy of a program before purchase. Although GIFConverter is freely available, it is a copyrighted program, and use or distribution in violation of the License Agreement and Distribution guidelines is against the law. You may give copies of GIFConverter to your friends for evaluation. GIFConverter may be placed on BBSes and online service providers (such as Compuserve, GEnie and America Online) provided that the GIFConverter package is downloadable without charge beyond normal connect charges. GIFConverter may be placed onto diskettes distributed by user groups at nominal fee. When distributing GIFConverter, please give the complete contents of the disk, making sure that all note files are transferred as well. Vendors desiring to place GIFConverter into their catalogs must contact the author at the address on the cover requesting permission to distribute this program, and outlining their fees and shareware policies. Whenever GIFConverter appears on a catalog, diskette, BBS, or online service, it must be identified as shareware. Vendors and operators must make it clear that online charges or disk fees have not paid for the use of this shareware product, and that additional payment is due the author.